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Sandstone Caves

Looking from the Regenstein towards Halberstadt, there is a white spot that stands out in the middle of the pine forest. Here in the "Heers", in a forest clearing the size of a soccer field, are mighty sandstone rocks in which caves have partially formed. The Dedingstein is located in the middle of the area, which is known in Blankenburg as the "Sandhutsche".

The sandstone caves below the Regenstein are well hidden and are therefore among the insider tips in the Harz Mountains. Friends of the Harzer Wandernadel have chosen this place as "most beautiful stamp place of the year (2009)"

The originality and the power of nature become clear here. In prehistoric times, the Germanic tribes are said to have used this place as a meeting place. From the Middle Ages to the end of the 19th century, pure white sand was extracted here. At first glance, the sandstone cliffs also resemble the chalk cliffs on the German island Rügen.

Hiking routes


Sandstone Caves


Night Sky


View towards the Heers


Sandstone Caves


View from
the stamp box



Sandstone Caves